Friday, February 24, 2012

The Longsword (long sword, long-sword, or bastard sword)

The longsword is similar to the arming sword in that it has a straight double edged blade with a cruciform hilt with the exception being that it is longer, usually between 39-48 inches. Another important difference to note is not so much the length of the blade but the hilt. Since this sword was designed primarily to be used with two hands, the hilt is longer than the shortsword (arming sword). Believe it or not the term 'longsword' has recently come into vogue to describe this weapon which was more commonly known as the bastard sword during the first half of the 20th century. Long-sword or longsword was commonly used to describe a type of sword known as the rapier. Here's a great video of stage fighters demonstrating a few techniques with the longsword, including the murder stroke (very cool!). 

The past couple of weeks have been a flurry of activity for O&FS. Discontinued items have been taken down and some more new products have been added to our Cane Swords, Medieval, Asian, and Fantasy sword categories. We also have a new category that has been started up with its products available this Saturday! Please feel free to check out our Live Action Role Play (LARP) category. In addition to being used for LARPs, these swords also make great costume props! Until next time!

Padded Crescent Fantasy Swords Persian Sabers LARP

This is one of our newest LARP additions that will be available tomorrow!

This is a foam padded Crescent Minotaur Sword with hard plastic inner core. This sword is perfect for cosplay and/or costume prop.







Anathros Sword Damascus

This is one of our new fantasy swords!

Anathros was forged with the destructive power to reshape the earth and its elements. This high-quality collectible features a wonderfully detailed solid-metal pommel hilt with a wire-wrapped hand grip. The hand guard tips fold inward to give the sword its legendary ability to focus its devastating energy at a target. This sword comes with a certificate of authenticity and an 18" x 24 1/2" full-color art print. Damascus steel blade.





Heavy Duty Sword Cane

There are few weapons that can be put into action faster than the Cold Steel sword canes.  Just give the handle a firm tug and the blade will literally leap into your hand.  These canes feature a fiberglass carbon fiber composite shaft that is virtually unbreakable and can be used as a weak hand parrying tool or an emergency bludgeon. The blades are made of 1055 carbon steel and have a tapered square cross section with a wickedly sharp point for lethal penetration.

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Arming Sword a.k.a. the knight's sword, knightly sword, or shortsword

Simply put the arming sword is a medieval weapon that originated in Europe and was the standard issue weapon for the medieval knights. Normally the knight sword was used with a buckler or a shield of some sort, but it can also be used without (as you will soon see in this nice little clip I found on Youtube). If the cut and thrust combat style is your thing with the use of a lighter sword, the shortsword is for you. Technical aspects of the arming sword is that it is generally between 27 and 32 inches, has a straight blade that is double edged, and weighs about 2.5 pounds. So without further ado, check out this video on medieval knights going at it in a somewhat humorous duel (for even more info check out the Arming Sword Wikipedia article).

O&FS also got a nice little update to the inventory this week and we have some new products! Here are just a few of the new items that were added. Enjoy! Until next time from O&FS, where you can buy weapons and swords online

St. Michael's Blessed Sword (red handle)

In addition the the clear handled version of this sword that you can see here, we now have a red handled version!

Premium Fighting Crusader Sword with Sheath

Reclaim the Holy Land with this fine double edged crusader sword! This sword is made of stainless steel. Its hilt features a really neat claw guard. This sword comes complete with a black leather sheath with polished metal fittings and a chain.

The King Solomon Sword

The King Solomon Sword with wood display plaque.